Trailblazer Gear - Premium Outdoor, Camping & Backpacking Equipment
Trailblazer Gear - Premium Outdoor, Camping & Backpacking Equipment Trailblazer Gear - Premium Outdoor, Camping & Backpacking Equipment
Home Outdoor Gear Sleeping Bags
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Designed for under the shelter usage only, like inside the tents, cottages or rooms in extreme weather conditions.


Adventure Worx -10 degrees sleeping bags are made for trekking in the Himalayas and high altitude mountain ranges. With its zero quilting construction design this sleeping bag ensure great warmth and comfort inside the tent or if you are in a log-hut. Carry one to your hikes for the comfort of sleep at home feeling.

  • Sleeping bag is designed for -10 degrees comfort parameters.
  • Suitable for hiking in the Himalayas or high altitude mountains. 
  • Suitable for outdoor camping in resorts & homestay in high altitude regions
  • Mummy shape
  • Advanced materials insulation to reduce weight and packed volume, increase in warmth
  • Zero quilting construction to retain warmth. Zero quilt lines, reduced heat loss
  • Full side zipper with double handle slider with zip draft tube to lock in heat
  • Fine yarn woven uncoated light weight but strong fabrics
  • Hood with draw cord along with neck draw cord system to lock in warmth with draft tubes to lock in heat.
  • Light weight
  • Comes with Tele stuff sack

Adventure Worx High Altitude Camping Sleeping Bag -Olive Green

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$ 57.81

$ 75.15

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Trailblazer Gear - Premium Outdoor, Camping & Backpacking Equipment
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